Pao de Acuçar & the prostitute...

We got cable cars up the sugarloaf mountain this evening and watched the sunset and the city light up. It was fantastic to see although getting the cable cars was a bit scary for Elaine.
Went back to the hostel and got chatting to the others staying here. Decided that we would all go to Lapa which is an area of the city where they have a big outdoor street party every weekend. We headed off in a convoy of four taxi´s to a house party first and then on to lapa at about 1am.

It wasn´t like anything we´ve been to before. A complete outdoors samba carnival with bands playing in the street and guys with cases of beer on the side of the road. Everyone just dancing and having a great time.
Obviously cause it´s a street party there´s no toilets. I asked the guy´s whose party we were at what do people do and he pointed to some arches and told me to go there.
Elaine asked me to give her my money just in case - oh the irony that I should tell her that I was only going for a pee and nothing could possibly happen.
So off I went and found a wall full of other blokes relieving themselves and half way through I´m approached by a Tina Turner lookalike prostitute who started dancing up against me and grabbing at me. It´s more difficult than you´d think to push someone away and not splash all over yourself!
Elaine the guard dog had decided to follow me ´just in case´and isn´t impressed to see this. As she comes over to tell the yoke to get lost yer one pulls my money out of my pocket. Fair play to Elaine, she nearly wrestled her to the ground to get the cash but too late, some other opportunist saw what was happening and mugged the mugger!! He ran off like a light followed by Tina Turner screaming at him for her hard earned cash back.
Don´t get me wrong though, it was a brilliant night and we partied on till the early hours. They didn´t get much money at all but 3 out of our group of 20 got mugged that night, obviously they´re waiting for the tourists...
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